Home > Adventures in SD History, Gail Umeham, Israel > Adventures in San Diego Jewish History~February 6, 1954, Part II

Adventures in San Diego Jewish History~February 6, 1954, Part II

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Compiled by Gail Umeham 


Southwestern Jewish Press February 6, 1954 Page 2

Mr. & Mrs. Samuel D. Naliboff announce the marriage of their daughter, Clara, to Selwyn S. Berg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Berg, of La Mesa.  The ceremony was performed by Rabbi Monroe Levens assisted by Cantor Joseph Cysner in the home of the bride’s aunt, Mrs. Sidney Naliboff on January 30 at 6:30 p.m.

The bride’s gown was of blue lace worn with a white flowered hat.  She carried a bouquet of gardenias and carnations.  Immediately following the ceremony a reception was held in the North Park Lion’s Club.

Upon returning from their wedding trip the young couple will continue their studies at State College where the bride is enrolled as a sophomore and the groom as a senior.


Southwestern Jewish Press February 6, 1954 Page 2

Honored—Joseph Schwartz, State Pharmacy boss and one of the few Jewish pharmacists in the city, will be installed Feb.6 as president of the San Diego County Pharmaceutical Association at a banquet in the Don Room of El Cortez Hotel.

Joe is quite proud of this honor especially because he is being installed by the famous Dr. Clifford L. Graves, well-known author and neurologist.

 A phone call at 11:00 p.m. is not generally considered the regular order of business and Irving Stone was especially  unprepared to hear his sister calling from San Diego.  Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Ehrlich flew in town from New York last week for a surprise visit with the Stones.  They plan to stay 2 or 3 weeks to soak up some of our climate.

We’re happy to welcome newcomers Mr. and Mrs. William Shier to our city.  Mr. and Mrs. Shier moved here from Chicago in December and are now making their home at 4632 Edgeware Rd.    They have two grown sons, both now serving with the Armed Forces.

New names can be added to the list of young couples in town now that Robert and Lucille Hirsch have moved down from San Francisco and are making their home with aunt and uncle, Abe and Ida Nasatir.  Robert will complete his last year at State College.

Dr. H. E. Wyloge formerly of St. Louis has opened an office at 3408 Fifth Ave. to practice chiropody.  Dr. Wyloge is related to several people in San Diego.  After being urged for four years by sisters Rose Greenberg, Sadie Schwartz, Esther Gardner, and nephew Stuart, and niece Audrey Penter, he was finally convinced by uncle Max Belenzon to move here.

On Sunday, Jan. 24, 17 couples gathered for dinner at the Park Manor Hotel to honor recently married Mr. and Mrs. Henry Raymor (Esther Levitt).  A coffee service was presented to the newlyweds. 

Following dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Apelman entertained the entire party in their home.  Mrs. Raymor cut the very beautifully decorated wedding cake, baked by Mrs. Apelman.

Bar Mitzvah—Ross Gallen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Gallen, of El Centro will be called to the altar as a Bar Mitzvah on Feb. 27 by Rabbi Baruch Stern of Beth Jacob Synagogue.

Mrs. Goldie Shusterman leaves on Feb. 8 for New York to visit her niece, whom she hopes to bring back to San Diego.

There was more than the beverage to tempt the guests at the “coffee” which was held by sisters Mrs. Ben Cohen and Mrs. Wm. I. Gerelick of Coronado.  Fifty-five guests enjoyed the delicious repast prepared by the hostesses.  Mrs. Werner Lehmann of Coronado assisted in the pouring.

It could be done and Mrs. Saul Chenkin’s committee members were the ones who did it.  Doubling last year’s collections, over $3,000 was turned in to the March of Dimes this year.  Mrs. Chenkin wishes to publicly express her gratitude to Mr. Robert Strauss who has loyally aided the drive year after year by perm9itting collections to be made at Spreckels theatre.  Mrs. Robert Gordon and her active teen-age group came through as usual with flying colors.  Other women of the community who represented organizations were Mesdames Edward Baranov, A. J. Bard. Al Hutler and Leo L. Levitt.

Rabbi Morton J. Cohen was recently elected to serve as Treasurer to the Western Association of Reform Rabbis at the Annual Conference held in Coronado.

Mr. and Mrs. William Mintz wish to thank all their friends for their kind attentions, good wishes and prayers for her recovery during a recent illness.  Marian is a home now and would like to receive her friends.

Henry Weinberger was recently reelected to serve as one of the Trustees of the National Jewish Hospital of Denver.  He has been a member of the board to the past two years and will now serve a three year term.

Reversing the usual procedure of a surprise party, it was the guests who had the surprise when they arrived at the Rodin Horrows’ dinner party on January 30.  When the 100 guests arrived at the Don Room of El Cortes Hotel they realized by the beautiful and appropriate decorations that it was their hosts’25th wedding anniversary.

Southwestern Jewish Press February 6, 1954 Page 2

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Salik (Louise Ruzewick) announce the birth of a son, Mark Eliot, on January 30.  Giving evidence of developing into a half-back, the young husky weighed 8 lbs. 9 oz.  He joins 17 month old Jane Deborah in the Salik nursery.

Delighted at the news of his arrival are grandparents Julie Abraham, Mr. H. Ruzewick, Mr. and Mrs.David Salik of San Antonio, and great grandfather, Mr. Morris Abraham of Detroit.


Women Organize to Aid Jewish Center
Southwestern Jewish Press February 6, 1954 Page 2

A new organization has been formed to assist the Jewish Community Center with its activities.  The group is called the Women’s League of the Jewish Community Center and the executive board comprises the following:  Rose Aved, Edith Bennett, Lilo Berger, Ruth Brav, “Goodie” Wixen, Edith Kitaen, Dorothy Penn, Audrey Sack, Ann Schloss, Lynn Schwartz, and Betty Adler.

The first activity of thus group will be a tea at the Jewish Community Center, Feb. 25 from 1 to 3:00 p;m. All women members of the Center are being invited.  Other women who are interested in assisting in this work should call AT-1-7744 for further information.

Beth Jacob “Fun Nite” Scheduled for February 28th
Southwestern Jewish Press February 6, 1954 Page 3

Mrs. Marvin Bobrof, President, extends a most cordial welcome to the San Diego community for Fun Night, Sunday, February 28, at 8:00 p.m. at Beth Jacob Center.

Mrs. Max Strauss and Mrs. William Penn, co-chairmen, and their committees are planning a most gala event, with elaborate prizes and games.  Mrs. William Schustermann, chairman, Mrs. Robert Siegel, and Mrs. Sidney Rose, are in charge of refreshments.


Beth Jacob News
Southwestern Jewish Press February 6, 1954 Page 3

Bible Discussion—An innovation in Friday evening services is the Bible Discussion every Friday evening at 8:15 p.m. led by Rabbi Baruch Stern.  The class has grown steadily and each week the English version of a chapter of the Bible is read. It is then explained and freely discussed.  All member and friends are sincerely urged to avail themselves of this golden opportunity of not only learning something but also enjoying themselves at the same time.  Oneg Shabbat and refreshments always follow.

Hadassah Sabbath–Hadassah will host the Oneg Shabbat at Beth Jacob Congregation on Friday, February 18, at 8:15 p.m.   The program will consist of a panel discussion on the controversial issue:  Since Israel is now an accomplished state, is it justifiable for Zionism to continue as an organization is America, or should it be substituted by an organization which would also include non-Zionists who desire to aid Israel?  Panelists will include Muriel Goldhammer, I.L. Domnitz, and Rabbi Baruch Stern.  Chickie Breier will act as moderator.

Ladies Card Party–The Beth Jacob Ladies Auxiliary will host a card party the last Thursday evening of every month.  Don’t forget.  The next one is February 25.  Bring your own cards and mahjong sets.

Valentine Party–Valentine Day is almost here and with it comes the Beth Jacob Men’s Club party.  The date is Saturday, February 20 at 8:30 p.m. at Beth Jacob Center.  There will be a live orchestra, valentine favors, cocktails, and refreshments.  Admission is $1 per person.  Members, friends, and guests are invited to attend.

Tifereth Israel Sisterhood Presents Outstanding Program February 9th
Southwestern Jewish Press February 6, 1954 Page 3

An outstanding program has been prepared for the Sisterhood Tea, which will take place on Tuesday, February 9, at 1:30 p.m. in the Synagogue.

In observance of Brotherhood Month, a panel of four clergymen will present a discussion on the subject, ”Living together Successfully.” Members of the panel will include:  The Rev. Charles Severns of the University Christian Church; the Rev. Jack Fix, of the First Evangelical United Brethern Church; Rabbi Morton Cohn of Temple Beth Israel; and the Rev. Calvin Osborn of the Seventh Day Adventist Church. 

A special invitation has been issued to the six women’s organizations of those churches.  A large representation of the following women’s groups is expected:  Dorcas Society, Home Makers Women’s Service Guild, Christian Women’s Fellowship, and Beth Israel Sisterhood. 

The presentation of the Panel will be in an informal and extemporaneous style, with Rabbi Monroe Levens acting as moderator.  An open forum will follow with questions and comments invited from the audience.

A Tea will follow the program honoring the invited guests.  Mrs. Sidney Newman is chairman.  Mrs. Warren Ogelsby and Mrs. Alex Newman will pour.  Mrs. G. Wixen is in charge of decorations.


The family of Mrs. Anna Shelley wishes to thank her many friends for their kind wishes during their bereavement.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Klaskin, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Kaplan, Mr. and Mrs. Zel Camiel, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. Morton Thaler, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Rawdin.


“Adventures in Jewish History” is sponsored by Inland Industries Group LP in memory of long-time San Diego Jewish community leader Marie (Mrs. Gabriel) Berg. Our indexed “Adventures in San Diego Jewish History” series will be a daily feature until we run out of history.

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