Home > Adventures in SD History, Gail Umeham > Adventures in San Diego Jewish History, February 19, 1954

Adventures in San Diego Jewish History, February 19, 1954

Compiled by Gail Umeham

Engagement Told
Southwestern Jewish Press February 19, 1954 Page 2

Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fisher have announced the engagement of their daughter, Beverlye, to Lewis Hyman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hyman, of Beverly Hills.  Miss Fisher is the sister of Mrs. Victor Selten of San Diego.

The formal announcement was made at a dinner for friends and relatives in the Beverly Hills home of the parents of the bride-to-be.  The wedding will be solemnized May 2 in the Crystal Room of the Beverly Hills Hotel.  Following an extended honeymoon, the young couple will reside in Westwood.

Miss Fisher attended UCLA and Mr. Hyman studied at USC where he was a member of Zeta Beta Tau fraternity.

Southwestern Jewish Press February 19, 1954 Page 2

Mrs. Rose Abrams, mother of Mrs. Stanley Yukon, has just returned from a 4½ month trip in the east and middle west.  This was Mrs. Abrams first trip back to home territory since she moved here 8 years ago.

Among the many visits with relatives and friends was a stay with her son, William Oliver in Kansas City.

Bernard Lansky, formerly with Al Capp and now working on the “Maggie and Jiggs” Strip, is drawing for the newly released “Dragnet” comic strip in spare hours.

Mrs. John Ruskin entertained 30 guests at lunch at El Cortez on February 11 in honor of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Bess Shwitzer, visiting from Detroit, Mich.

Among recent wedding anniversaries were those celebrated by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Goldhammer, Mr. and Mrs. Morton Thaler, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Moder, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Goldberg, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Steckel.

Fay  and Mickey Fredman celebrated their 7th wedding anniversary in Las Vegas last week-end.  Accompanying them on this special occasion were Janice and Seymour Rabin.

Mr. and Mrs. Doyle A. Kahn wish to express their thanks and appreciation for all the thoughtfulness shown by their friends to Doyle who is now convalescing at home after his hospitalization.

Sig Stein, famous restaurateur, has been appointed manager of the 4-A Roundup Chuck Wagon at 1268 Fourth Ave.  Sig promises an extra-thick cut of roast beef to all his friends who visit him.  Good luck, Sig!

Mrs. Sima Rudolph has been “thawing out” in California before returning to her home in Milwaukee.  Mrs. Rudolph, a cousin of Mrs. Anne Peckarsky, the houseguest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Colt, of Pt. Loma.

San Diego is a second home to Shirley and Norm Alweis, of Dallas, Texas.  They recently spent a busy week visiting with Shirley’s mother, Mrs. Sue Gruenberg, Norm’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Alweis, and their other relatives and many friends.

Irving Friedman, well known insurance man, was re-elected as President of the Guadalupe Clinic at the annual meeting held last Tuesday.

At a cocktail party, held in the Terrace Room of the Manor Hotel, on Feb. 7th, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. M. Silverman honored the engagement of their daughter, Carolyn, to Dr. Norman L. Rubin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Rubin of Ft. worth, Texas.  Mrs. Pauline Gleason supplied the background for this happy occasion.

Among the 300 guests were many out-of-towners from Los Angeles, San Jose and St. Louis.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cohen, of Pt. Loma, honored their sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Perlstein, of Great Neck, L.I. at a festive, valentine-cocktail party at the Park Manor, on February 14th.

When Pat Perlstein, Mr. Cohen’s sister, was introduced to Julia Kaufman, they both got that “you look familiar” feeling.  Flipping back twelve years, they discovered they had spent the summer together at a children’s camp in New York State—Pat as a nurse and Julia as Arts-Crafts instructor.  Mrs. Perlstein still has the silver wedding band made and presented to her by Mrs. Kaufman.  Other mutual friends of San Diegans were revealed during the course of the party and the Perlsteins felt right at home on their first visit here.

Southwestern Jewish Press February 19, 1954 Page 2

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Samuels announce the birth of a son, Lee David, on February 8.  Pleased grandparents are Mrs. Lee Samuels and Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Brodman.

Dr. and Mrs. Marshall Persky received the vest Valentine of all on February 14.  A baby girl, Gail Jo, arrived on that day weighing 6 pounds.  Welcoming the young lady were big brothers Bruce and Rickey, and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Levine, and Mr. William Persky of Los Angeles.

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Sherr are the proud parents of a third son, Robert Malcolm, born February 6, weighing 6 lbs, 13 oz.  4½-year-old Clifford and 2-year-old Harry are preparing to teach the youngest Sherr the boys games.

Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. David Siegel and Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Sherr, all of San Diego.

The Bris was performed by Rabbi Simon L. Schwartz of Los Angeles on Feb. 14.

Pioneer Women
Southwestern Jewish Press February 19, 1954 Page 2

Everyone interested in the State of Israel should reserve the date, Sun., March 21st, at Beth Jacob Center, for the Pioneer Women’s Annual Queen Esther Purim Ball, Eleanor Gordon, chairman, announces the Pauline Gleason Orchestra will play for dancing and a fine program including the Grand March to choose a Queen Esther, is promised.  Excellent food will be served from 6:00 to 12:00.  Students will be admitted for a small donation of 50 cents.  Jeanette Abrams will appreciate calls from anyone who has clothes in good condition for our rummage sale.  Call her at AT-1-6736. 

Memorial Services By Tri-Synagogues
Southwestern Jewish Press February 19, 1954 Page 4

A Memorial Day event will be held on Sunday, May 30th, at the Home of Peace Cemetery by the Beth Jacob congregation, Beth Israel Temple and Tifereth Israel Synagogue, at which those who have their beloved ones at rest may extend a special Sacred Honor to these departed.

The announcement is made at this date so that those wishing to be present will have ample time to set this day aside.

Further announcements will be made through this paper and also in the weekly bulletins of the respective Synagogues and Temple.  The Committee in charge are Israel Lebb, Nathan Schiller and Isadore Jacobson, chairman.

Jewish Couples Club
Southwestern Jewish Press February 19, 1954 Page 4

The Young Jewish Couples Club will hold their next meeting on Saturday evening, at 8:30 p.m. at Tifereth Israel Synagogue.  Members will please note the meeting is on Saturday, instead of the usual Sunday.

Rabbi Monroe Levens will speak on the “First Beauty Contest,” and Dan Delaney, Athletic Coordinator of the Park and Recreation Department, will direct square dances.

Admission is 50 cents per couple.

B.J. Men’s Club Holds Western Frolics YIPI!
Southwestern Jewish Press February 19, 1954 Page 4

A western Frolics dance will be held Saturday evening Feb. 20 at 8:30 p.m. at the Beth Jacob Center.  Sponsored by the Men’s club of the Synagogue, the dance will feature a western motif.  Mike Alessio will provide the music.  There will also be refreshments and favors.  Admission is $1.00 per person.

City slickers who have no western clothes are asked to wear sport clothes or jeans.

Ida Nasatir Speaks For Sisterhood Wed.
Southwestern Jewish Press February 19, 1954 Page 4

The next meeting of the Temple Beth Israel Sisterhood will be held Wednesday, Feb. 24.  Ida Nasatir will present a collection of Jewish short stories which have appeared in current American magazines.  These stories have been selected on the basis of their unusual and sensitive writing as well as their richness of theme.  Most deal with the problems of Jewish life in American.

Inasmuch as this is National Jewish Book Month, all friends and members are urged not to miss this event.  Molly Samuels and Louise Hertz are luncheon co-chairmen and Henrietta King, AT-1-5947, and Evelyn Stolarsky, AC-2-3655 are captains for the day.  Call them for your reservations now.

Beth Jacob News
Southwestern Jewish Press February 19, 1954 Page 4

Tonight, February 19, the regular Bible Discussion group will be substituted by the Hadassah’s panel discussion program.

The Beth Jacob Men’s Club Spring Dance will be held Saturday, February 20 at 8:30 p.m. at Beth Jacob Center.  There will be a live orchestra, cocktails and refreshments.  Admission is $1 per person.  Members, friends and guests are invited to attend.

The Youth league will hold their installation of officers on Saturday, February 27, at the Beth Jacob Center.  Parents and friends are cordially invited to attend.

The Ladies Auxiliary monthly card party will take place on Thursday evening, February 25.  Bring your own cards and mah jong sets.

Hadassah Sabbath At Beth Jacob
Southwestern Jewish Press February 19, 1954 Page 4

Mrs. Robert S. Strauss, President, announces that in cooperation with Rabbi Baruch Stern, Hadassah will present a panel discussion group at Beth Jacob Synagogue on Friday evening, February 19th at 8 p.m.

The discussion will replace the regular Oneg Shabbat at the Synagogue, and Mrs. Alfred Bobrof and Mrs. E. Al Slayen are acting as Co-Chairmen for the event.

Of vital interest to all Zionists, and non-Zionists in the community will be this interesting topic:  “Now that Israel has been established as the Jewish homeland is there need for Zionist organizations in the United States to reassess their goals. “  The panel members representing three varied opinions will consist of Mr. Isaac Domnitz, Poale Zion; Mrs. Sidney Goldhammer, Hadassah; and Rabbi Stern representing Mizrachi.  Mrs. Edmund Breier will act as Moderator.

Home for Aged Aux. Plan Purim Party
Southwestern Jewish Press February 19, 1954 Page 4

The next regular meeting of the Home for the Aged Auxiliary will be held at the Home, 2540 4th Ave. on Wednesday, March 3rd at one o’clock.  As has been the custom of the Auxiliary for the past eight years, the March meeting has always been in the form of a “Purim” party and linen shower.  Members are asked to bring gifts of linens such as towels, sheets, tablecloths, pillow cases, etc., to help replenish the ever dwindling supply of linens in the Home.  As an added attraction Mrs. Elmer Wohl will present an entertaining and humorous reading by the outstanding Jewish writer Sholem Alechem.

Mrs. Al Neumann, chairman of the Nominating committee will present her slate of officers for the ensuing year.  Mrs. Wm. Moss, President, invites all Jewish women of the community to attend the “ Purim”  Party.

“Adventures in Jewish History” is sponsored by Inland Industries Group LP in memory of long-time San Diego Jewish community leader Marie (Mrs. Gabriel) Berg. Our indexed “Adventures in San Diego Jewish History” series will be a daily feature until we run out of history.

  1. Linda Mohr Crogan
    February 24, 2010 at 3:44 pm

    I am looking for my high school friend, Laurie Phyllis Wohl, daughter of Elmer Wohl and his wife, who graduated Hoover High School here in San Diego in 1960 with highest honors. Mr. Wohl was employed at Convair/General Dynamics and the family, including Laurie’s younger brother, lived off of Marlborough Dr. in the Kensington community. Laurie had been accepted at Wellesley College in Massachusetts for the Fall, 1960 semester. At that point I lost contact with her. Our high school is having its 50th class reunion this fall. If you can help in some way to help me find Laurie I would be most grateful.

    Linda Crogan

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