Home > Australia, Holocaust~Shoah, Italy, Vatican City > ADL provides research on Pope Pius XII

ADL provides research on Pope Pius XII

 NEW YORK (Press Release)–After Pope Benedict XVI last year praised so-called “evidence” presented to him at a Rome conference which claimed that World War II-era Pope Pius XII did everything he could to save Jews during the Holocaust, the Anti-Defamation League embarked on a research project to analyze some of these materials.

Pius XII historian Paul O’Shea concluded that the Rome conference sponsored by Pave the Way Foundation is part of a campaign of misinformation by some Pius apologists who use selective church documents and issue unsubstantiated conclusions about Pius XII.  O’Shea is an Australian scholar and author of A Cross Too Heavy: Eugenio Pacelli, Politics and the Jews of Europe 1917-1943.

O’Shea analyzed some 2,300 pages of war-time era documents that had been found in the town of Avellino, near Naples.  These documents were originally from the town of Campagna, south-west of Avellino, site of one of the more than 40 Italian internment camps for Jews established between 1940 and 1945. Pius supporters claimed the documents illustrated the pope’s efforts to help Jews in the face of Nazism. He concluded that “to use the Campagna files to suggest that Pope Pius XII was active in attempting to rescue Jews is to demand something the historical record cannot sustain.”

The complete report may be read and downloaded here (.pdf).

  1. January 6, 2010 at 10:05 pm

    Bravo! We are thrilled that the ADL will publish the report from Paul O’shea of our recently discovered documents from Campagna. We encourage all to please read this report where 1. You will see that Pope Pius XII interceded directly on multiple occasions to send financial support specifically for the Jews being protected in the diocese by Archbishops Palatucci. 2. They help to break the “academic log jam”, where we have proven that documents, from the war years, which are currently under canical seal in the Secret Archives, can be located and studied if you simply try to locate them. 3. The documents plainly show how Pope Pius XII’s Cardinal Secretary of State Maglione and his deputy, Archbishop Montini (future Pope Paul VI), intervened directly to try to answer the individual needs of family reunification of loved ones, visa requests and medical problems of the Jewish internees. This effort all occurred in one very small diocese in Italy. I wish to remind Foxman that these Campagna documents were only recently discovered and now only represent one group of the thousands of other documents that we have uncovered. Most importantly, I encourage all to come to our web site http://www.ptwf.org and view the eye witness testimony that we revealed at our symposium September 2008. Shortly, we will be publishing in four languages a 288 page book titled Pope Pius XII and World War II, The Documented Truth. I wish to further inspire Foxman to the words of a Rabbi who I most admire, Rabbi Moses Ben Maimon, Maimonides where he said : “Truth does not become more true by virtue of the fact that the entire world agrees with it, nor less so even if the whole world disagrees with it.“ Maimonides…. Moreh Nevuchim 2:15

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