Home > Gaza, Iran, Israel, Lebanon, Palestinian Authority, United States of America, West Bank > Israeli columnist Caroline Glick at Beth El July 20

Israeli columnist Caroline Glick at Beth El July 20

SAN DIEGO (Press Release)–Caroline Glick, an American born commentator for the Jerusalem Post, will address Friends of the Israel Defense Forces at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, July 20, at Congregation Beth El,  8660 Gilman Drive, La Jolla.

Raised in Chicago, Glick made Aliyah in 1991 and served 5 1/2 years in the IDF, including as a Captain and Coordinator or Negotiations with the PLO.

Glick was an advisor to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and is currently the Senior Contributing Editor of the Jerusalem Post, a Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Affairs at the Center for Security Policy in Washington, D.C. and a syndicated columnist, journalist and author, among other distinguished positions. 

Glick is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, was an embedded journalist with the U.S. Army’s 3rd Infantry Division during Operation Iraqi Freedom, and has been the recipient of numerous prestigious professional awards.

Please join us for a unique opportunity to hear Glick discuss:How the ever-changing dynamic among Israel, her neighbors and the United States is likely to develop, particularly in a year when American voters go to the polls and amidst increased geo-political tensions with Iran, Gaza, and Lebanon. What role the media plays. What can we do in San Diego.

Although there will be no admission charge, RSVP’s are required as seating is limited. Please respond to: sandiego@FIDF.org 

Preceding provided by Friends of the IDF

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